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Is homeschooling legal, possible and allowed in India?

Short Answer : Homeschooling in India is not substantially regulated. Home schooling is done in India by thousand families without almost no interference from governance.

Legal / Allowed? | � Possible? Can I do | � Requirements | � Process | � Homeschooolers Position

Is Homeschooling Legal, possible? Or not allowed in India?

Homeschooling in India is not strictly regulated or monitored, and there have not been clear policies which either specifically would restrict or would approve or allow various forms of homeschooling and make them acceptable & valid definitively in policies.

Provisions of the new National Education Policy NEP 2020 seem to be more accepting and supportive opening path for homeschooling in India to be acceptable and valid alternative education option.

Can we do homeschooling in India for child? Is home schooling done in India?

Thousands of families have been regularly doing homeschooling in India without much interference from governance in general.

Some concerns had emerged with the introduction of RTE (Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009) and its influence on legality and acceptance of homeschooling in India.
Indian homeschoolers, alternative & open learners however for most part have not experienced restrictions in their ability to do homeschooling.

NIOS(National Institute of Open Schooling) is Govt of India institution mandated to support open learning, and provide curriculum, learning centers, examinations and certifications for open learners.

NEP 2020 intends to strengthen NIOS and also start more open learning boards to increase accessibility of open education.

NEP 2020 implementation seem to be more accepting and supportive of homeschooling in India to be acceptable and valid alternative education option.

What are legal requirements, process for home schooling in India?

Since homeschooling in India is not strictly regulated or monitored, at this time in 2023, there is no requirement to register anywhere with govt / state departments (unlike states in some western countries) to be able to do homeschooling in India.
Periodic assessments or evaluations from authorities are also not required or done.

Process: How homeschooling is done in India?

In India, families making choice of homeschooling or without school living just start doing homeschooling using the homeschooling processes or styles they deem convenient without requirement to register or report anywhere.

Have Indian Homeschoolers pushed for legal approval of home schooling in policies?

Within homeschooling groups & homeschool associations in India, policy matters and implications in relation to home schooling have been discussed.
Many Indian homeschooling families rather enjoy to be left alone from the interference or indifference of the governance in the learning, education, schooling related choices of the home schooling families.
And homeschool families and groups for most part have chosen to not get involved with governance for policy related issues.

Shared by : Muzaffar Shaikh (Chief Editor, Parent associated with Indian homeschoolers groups)

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